Google Reader - Just Use It!

How to get started with Google Reader.

*Reader does not work for private blogs, but it will update whenever public blogs you follow/subscribe to post something new.

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Basic Settings & Some Privacy Options

Here's an explanation of the 'Basic' tab under 'Settings'.

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Basic Format Settings

Here's an explanation of the 'Formatting' tab under 'Settings'.

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Feedjit Decoded

Do you have a Feedjit? It's an easy way to track visitors to your blog, where they come from and where they go. Here's Feedjit decoded:

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Header Outline

Do you hate the border around your blog's header?

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Customizing Your Comments

Here I explain how to alter your comments to your preferences.

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Background Basics

Are you ambitious enough to make your very own background? Do you have the time? Do you have the love of designing? I'm not sure many people do. I just hate having the same background as anyone I do my own!

Here's a short tutorial to help you. (It's not exactly basic, you'll need a little better-than-average knowledge of the internet, but if you have the desire to learn, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out!)

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Looking at Layout

Here is an overview of the basic gadgets you can add to your blog, how to change your 'Navbar', and how to add a personalized header.

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Using OneTrueMedia to add Video

The following is step-by-step on how to use OneTrueMedia to embed video in your blog. (Because Blogger never uploads correctly for me!)

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